Southside Triangle Water and Sewer Infrastructure
At its Oct. 26, 2022, meeting, the City Commission authorized the City of Tallahassee’s Underground Utility and Public Infrastructure department to proceed with the extension of water and sewer utility infrastructure into the unserved areas of the Southside Triangle. The Southside Triangle is bounded by Woodville Highway, Crawfordville Highway and Capital Circle Southeast.

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The purpose of this project is to provide sewer service to approximately 203 properties and water service to 156 properties. This investment will provide protection for our natural water resources, provide needed infrastructure, improve quality of life for Southside residents, and provide a catalyst for additional development within the southern limits of the Urban Services Area.
Phase I of Construction - November 2024 Update
The City is currently working with a consultant on plans and permits for Phase 1 of construction. Construction is anticipated to commence in 2025.
Below are maps for Phase I of Construction.
Phase I Project Map

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Phase I Sub-Project Maps

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For questions or comments regarding these planned activities, please contact Charles Hargraves, PE, with the City’s UUPI department, at (850) 891-6135 or
Water & Sewer Improvements Project – Phase 1 – FAQs
- What is the project’s scope?
Phase 1 of the Southside Triangle Water and Sewer Project includes work along Crawfordville Highway (identified as North Crawfordville, McKenzie Drive, Straw Lane, and Meridith Drive); Hannon Mill Road & Woodville Highway; Ponce de Leon/Granada, Shelfer Road, and Crossway Road (east).
The Crawfordville Highway components listed above are being performed to install water and/or sewer in advance of FDOT’s Crawfordville Road Resurfacing project slated for July 2025. Additional extensions from these portions are anticipated in future phases of the Southside Triangle project. Performing this work now, ahead of FDOT, will reduce the likelihood for having to impact the newly paved road in the near future and therefore will reduce project costs.
Description of work proposed
North Crawfordville – 20 Linear Feet (LF) of sanitary sewer main and 75 LF of water main
McKenzie Drive – 20 LF of sanitary sewer main and 75 LF of water main
Straw Lane – 20 LF of sanitary sewer main
Meridith Drive – 75 LF of water main
Hannon Mill Road & Woodville Highway – 2,421 LF of sanitary sewer main and 2,270 LF of water main
Ponce de Leon – 1,421 LF of sanitary sewer main
Shelfer Road - 70 LF of sanitary sewer main and 21 LF of water main
Crossway Road (east) – 2,315 LF of sanitary sewer main
The sanitary sewer work will include installation of manholes, sewer mains, and service laterals extended to the right–of–way line to provide adjacent to properties direct access to sewer service. The water main work will include installation of water mains, water services and meter boxes, fire hydrants (where lines are large enough to accommodate flow), and all associated valves and fittings.
- What are the benefits of this project?
This investment will provide protection for our natural water resources, provide needed infrastructure, improve quality of life for Southside residents, enhance fire protection, and provide a catalyst for additional development within the southern limits of the Urban Services Area.
- Who do I contact if I have questions about this project?
Design Project Manager: Charles Hargraves, City of Tallahassee – Water Utilities Engineering, 850–891–6135,
- When will the project begin, and how long it will last?
Phase I of the Southside Triangle Water and Sewer Improvement Project is currently in the bid solicitation process, which will conclude in early April. Construction should commence in early Summer 2025 and is estimated to take approximately 9 to 12 months.
- Are road closures expected?
During construction, travel lanes will need to be closed within the work zone; however, access to driveways/residences will be maintained. Road closures are anticipated but will be limited to short sections of the roadway where the installation work is being performed and will shift as sections are completed.
- What can be expected in terms of restoration?
During construction, work will occur in the road right–of–way/utility easement. All disturbed areas will be restored to their previous condition, including replacement of sod, sidewalk, driveways, etc. where impacted by construction activities.
Phase II of Construction - March 2025 Update
The City is currently working with the consultant on plans for Phase II of construction. This phase requires the City to work with property owners to obtain utility easements for the proposed improvements. UU&PI is beginning the process of obtaining utility easements. Once easements are obtained, the design plans will be finalized and permitting will be completed.
Phase II construction will proceed immediately upon completion of design and permitting and is currently estimated in 2026.