Planning | Comprehensive Plan | Small-Scale Future Land Use Map Amendments
The Planning Department now accepts applications for eligible small-scale future land use map amendments throughout the year. To be eligible for a small-scale Future Land Use Map amendment, the area subject to the proposed amendment must be 50 acres or less in size and cannot include text changes to the comprehensive plan. Learn more about this process on our Comprehensive Plan page.
Bradford Road and East Dellview Drive (TMA 2025001)
Applicant: Sonia Ayala
Jurisdiction: City of Tallahassee
Small Scale Map Amendment: This is a request to change the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation from Residential Preservation (RP) to Suburban (SUB) on .60 acres. The subject area is located at the intersection of Bradford Road and E. Dellview Drive and includes two parcels, 2000 and 2003 E. Dellview Drive that are in residential use. The current Residential Preservation category is intended to protect existing stable and viable residential areas from incompatible land use intensities and density intrusions. The proposed future land use map change to Suburban is intended to place uses near or within walking distance of residential areas, and to connect the existing office residential corridor on Bradford Road that would allow minor office development.
Rezoning Application: A rezoning application will be processed concurrently with this amendment. A zoning change from Residential Preservation 1 (RP-1) to Office Residential 1 (OR-1) will be requested to implement the proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Map..
Tentative Public Hearing Schedule:
- Tallahassee-Leon County Local Planning Agency Meeting on April 1, 2025, at 6:00pm, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 435 North Macomb Street
- City Commission Meeting on May 14, 2025, at 6:00pm, City Commission Chambers, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 300 South Adams Street
View the Application