Tallahassee Parks
Find Parks and More
Tallahassee Parks and Recreation
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Geographic Information Systems
Tallahassee-Leon County GIS
City of Tallahassee Apps
Talgov Apps
Disclaimer:The products on this website have been compiled from the most accurate source data from Leon County and the City of Tallahassee. However, these products are for reference purposes only and are not to be construed as legal documents or survey instruments. Any reliance on the information contained herein is at the user's own risk. Leon County, the City of Tallahassee, and the Leon County Property Appraiser assume no responsibility for any use of the information contained herein or any loss resulting therefrom.
Address Search
Address Search:
This search provides a auto-suggest of valid address as you type. To run the search a address must be select from the list provided. Once an address is selected the map will zoom to and display the select property.
Find Parks and More
A list of parks that are maintained by the City of Tallahassee.
Each park entry will include the park name, the address, total acres, and the icons for all park features.
The 'Show on Map' link will zoom too and center on the selected park.
The 'Show Route' will open the client's preferred mapping application or page and center on the selected trail.
A list of trails that are maintained by the City of Tallahassee.
Each trail entry will include the trail name, the park it is located in, the type of trail, the trail difficulty and the length of the trail.
The 'Show on Map' link will zoom too and center on the selected park.
Park Features:
A list of park features that are located in City of Tallahassee parks.
Each park feature includes the icon that represents the feature and the feature name.
Clicking on a row for a specific feature will display all City Parks that have the selected feature.
Clicking the 'Return to Features' will redisplay the list of features.
Find a Trail Marker:
Enter the trail marker abbreviation and number and click the 'Find Trail Marker' button to zoom to and center on the desired trail marker.
For additional information about the Tallahassee Parks application please call 850.XXX.XXXX or email Susan Tanski at
Find a Park, Trail, or Feature
Trail Markers
Listed by Trail Name, Category, and Difficulty
Select Feature to View Parks
Return to Features
Return to Features
Find Trail Marker
Trail markers will have the trail abbreviation on top and the marker number underneath. When entering the trailmarker id to search, enter the abbreviation first then the marker number with no spaces between the two. In this example the trail marker id is "P12".
City of Tallahassee Parks, Trails, and Park Amenities
Note: This product has been compiled from the most accurate source data from Leon County, the City of Tallahassee, and the Leon County Property Appraiser. However, this product is for reference purposes only and is not to be construed as a legal document or survey instrument. Any reliance on the information contained herein is at the user's own risk. Leon County, the City of Tallahassee, and the Leon County Property Appraiser assume no responsibility for any use of the information contained herein or any loss resulting therefrom.
My Location
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