CRA Medium and Large Grant Program
The City of Tallahassee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Medium and Large Grant Program provides CRA grant funds, matched by private investment for improvements and/or redevelopment of structures and properties located within one of the boundaries of the CRA, either the Greater Frenchtown Southside (GFS) Redevelopment Area or the Downtown (DT) Community Redevelopment Area. A Medium Grant Program Project is a project that request between $50,001 up to $250,000 in CRA financial assistance. A Large Grant Program Project is a project that request more than $250,000. Projects may include residential and non-residential uses including community service land uses. Land acquisition costs are excluded as part of the financial assistance request.
Both For-Profit and Not-For-Profit organizations are eligible to apply. Project must be consistent with Chapter 163 Part III, Florida Statuses, in order to be Approved or Approved with Conditions. For-Profit projects primary funding determination will focus on Return on Investment (ROI) while Not-For-Profit funding will focus on community needs.
The purpose of the Medium and Large Grant Program is to provide funding of mid-sized residential or nonresidential projects that are consistent with the CRA GFS Redevelopment Plan Goals and Objectives. This includes improvements to structures, properties, infrastructure, community needs and etc. within the District. Thereby reducing blighting influences, improving the area’s physical characteristics, enhancing the visual quality and attractiveness of the environment, improving quality of life and meeting a community need.
Please ensure you have uploaded all required supporting documentation to your application submission. If you need assistance or have any questions please contact the City of Tallahassee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) at 850-891-8357 or by e-mail at
Eligibility Criteria and Requirements
In order to qualify for grant assistance from the CRA, the following must be satisfied:
- Property must be within one of the boundaries of the CRA, either GFS or DT. If you are uncertain if a property is located within the boundaries of the Community Redevelopment Area, please see or e-mail or contact the CRA staff (850)891-8357;
- The property must be a commercial use as defined in the Tallahassee Land Development Code;
- The project must be consistent with Chapter 163, Part III, Florida Statutes and consistent with the applicable CRA District Community Redevelopment Plan, either the Greater Frenchtown Southside Redevelopment Plan or the Downtown Redevelopment Plan;
- Property must be free from any judgments, liens, code violations and all mortgage and tax obligations must be current prior to execution of agreement/development order;
- Both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are eligible to apply for Medium and Large Grant funding. The primary evaluation focus may vary between for profit projects and not-for-profit projects. For profit projects will focus on the financial return to the CRA (Internal Rate of Return, Return on Investments, etc.) and not-for-profit projects will focus on how the project meets a community need (community health, affordable housing, stabilizing an area, etc.). Both for-profit and not-for-profit funding request must be consistent with the applicable Redevelopment Plan; and
- Applications must be submitted electronically. Paper applications will not be accepted. Staff can assist with application submittals.